Retouching and Editing Services

before and after image of interior architectural photography example of retouching exposure blending

Exposure Blending

The blending process involves selecting and combining the properly exposed parts of each image to ensure that the final photograph retains details in both highlights and shadows.

Compositing allows photographers and artists to merge different elements seamlessly.

example of distortion correction retouching technique in architectural photography

Distortion Correction

Corrects any distortions introduced by the camera lens, especially in wide-angle shots. This helps maintain straight lines and accurate proportions of architectural elements.

exterior image utilizing color grading and color correction techniques in retouching architectural photography

Color Correction and Color Grading

Color Correction is used to get an image to the proper standard appearance that one would see if they were in the space. Utilizing white balance adjustments we can get the scene to the correct color temperature.

Using Color Grading, we can subtly adjust the tone of images to give them a certain feel or aesthetic.

example of removing objects in architectural photography retouching post production services

Object Removal

Whether it is power lines running across an exterior scene or unwanted electrical outlets in an interior, I will remove unwanted objects in the image that may detract from the focus of the architecture.

example of compositing an architectural image for photographer retouching service


Compositing allows photographers and artists to merge different elements seamlessly. In architectural photography sometimes it is not possible to capture all the elements you want in one frame. Luckily we can use multiple frames and add in elements from one to another to create final image.

example of replacing the sky in an architectural photograph for retouching post production service

Sky Replacement

In cases where the sky is overcast or dull, photographers may opt to replace the sky to create a more visually appealing backdrop. This involves blending a new sky seamlessly into the image.